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In the beginning....

A meeting of young ski enthusiasts was held on Wednesday 6th October 1971 at the (then) Swinburne College of Technology in Room WA103 in the Administration Building.

  • At a follow-up meeting on Friday 15th October a committee was elected from an initial membership of nineteen people, a draft Constitution accepted, annual membership set at $20 and a recruitment drive for additional members established

  • The membership increased gradually until reaching the Constitutional maximum (48) in June 1972, with a further 10 people placing their names on a Reserve Membership list at that stage

  • Seven of the original 48 plus 2 of the reserve list of 10 are still members of the club

  • First committee meeting held on Sunday 17th October, naming of club, size of membership and acceptance of constitution resolved

  • General Meeting called for Monday 15th November


First Committee

President            Bill Nash

Secretary           Geoff Abbott

Treasurer            Brian Spurrell

Executive           Frank Turnbull, David Lawson, Phil Mackenzie

A number of subcommittees were also formed (Finance, Building, Social, By-Laws, Construction) ,

a delegate to the HSCA appointed (Bill), liaison with the Public Works Department (Geoff) and liaison with the Lands Department (Bill and Geoff) also appointed


​Some of our original committee are still actively involved in the club and still skiiing.


Early events and site establishment

  • The club was constituted on 15th November 1971

  • Application for a site at Mt Hotham was lodged on 17th November 1971

  • The reply, granting our site, was received on 28th January 1972

  • From a choice of four plans, the club selected 1 at a General Meeting on 13th June 1972

  • A drafting service was charged with developing working drawings on 17th June 1972 which were finalized by October 1972; structural engineers were employed concurrently

  • Plans and Specifications were lodged with the Lands Department on 1st September 1972, plans for the heating systems (drawn up by Geoff Abbott) were submitted on 3rd October and for the septic system (again drawn up by Geoff) on 10th October

  • A Building Permit was received from the Shire of Omeo on 10th November

  • The site was partially cleared on 12th November, with the committee also approving site excavation, laying of foundations and construction of the base brick wall

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